Triton HR has distinguished itself as a leading payroll outsourcing, human resource and benefit brokerage firm with more than 100 years of industry expertise and leadership. Triton HR charges less than most payroll processing firms, but delivers much more!
A Payroll Solution for Small & Mid Size Organizations: The Triton HR payroll processing software application is used by Major League Baseball (MLB) teams and Fortune 1000 companies.
Steve Rosenthal, the president and CEO of Triton Benefits and HR Solutions is no stranger to the business of human resources (HR) and group health benefits. Steve has used his vast business knowledge and entrepreneurial drive to build a national group health benefits firm that offers innovative healthcare plan design, dedicated team support and HR technology. Triton Benefits and HR Solutions believes the synergy between being a group health benefits broker and understanding HR's technology impact on most businesses is key to being a 21st century broker.
As brokers and HR specialists we understand that times are rapidly changing and so are the ways that businesses use and implement HR services. Our goal to always be ahead of those changes and in sync with benchmarking, custom plan design, HR technology, ACA requirements, and wellness initiatives. Triton Benefits and HR Solutions manages over $175M in annual health insurance premium. Our team of experts' utilize benchmarking tools, and detailed analysis that may be able to reduce your insurance costs dramatically. As a national broker, we work with all the major carriers and can customize a long term strategy for your business.
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